Enables mods to make HTTP requests.

Settings #

To use this API, mods need to be listed in one or the other following settings in CSV format:

  • secure.trusted_mods
  • secure.http_mods

An example would be:

secure.http_mods = modname1, modnametwo, modenamethree

Types #

HttpRequest #

A table consisting of the following parameters:

  • url (required):
    • Type string
    • Example: https://subdomain.domain.tld
  • timeout (optional):
    • Time in seconds
    • Default is what curl_timeout setting is set to (NOTE: setting is in milliseconds)
  • method (optional):
    • Type string
    • Supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
    • Default is GET
  • data (optional):
    • Supports string or table
    • Tables are encoded as x-www-form-urlencoded key value pairs
  • post_data (optional):
    • Deprecated, see data above
  • user_agent (optional):
    • Type string
    • Replaces the default user agent if provided
  • extra_headers (optional):
    • Table of strings
    • Each string needs to follow http spec, "key: value"
  • multipart (optional):

HttpRequestResult #

A table consisting of the following parameters

  • completed:
    • Boolean
    • If request finished. By way of success, failure, or timing out.
  • succeeded:
    • Boolean
    • Request status
  • timeout:
    • Boolean
    • If it timed out or not, see HttpRequest timeout
  • code:
    • Int
    • Http status code
  • data:
    • Table or string
    • Response returned

Functions #

core.request_http_api() #

  • Returns a table containing the following functions provided:
    • That the mod in question has been listed in one of the two settings above
    • The engine was built with curl support
    • core.request_http_api() is called from the mod’s init.lua file and not in a function


Store the result in a local variable, not a global, so that other mods cannot access it. Other mods should request their own access.

An example of how to use this API (handling both existence and permission being granted) is as follows:

--inside mods init.lua file
local http = core.request_http_api and core.request_http_api()

if http then
    --call your http methods here

HttpApi.fetch(request, callback) #

Calls callback once completed. This method is recommended for the most common use cases, see the next two methods for an alterate way

  • Request is of type HttpRequest
  • Callback receives one param of type HttpRequestResult

HttpApi.fetch_async(request) #

Returns a handle to be passed to HttpApi.fetch_async_get

  • Request is of type HttpRequest

HttpApi.fetch_async_get(handle) #

Handle is provided by HttpApi.fetch_async, returns a HttpRequestResult